Tag Archives: Eggs

How to make egg white oatmeal

13 Oct

In the morning when I wake up from dreaming about bed sets, I don’t like to feel like I’m already behind.  When I have more free time at home I try to plan ahead, prep and make my life a bit easier.  I did that with freezer meals not too long ago and it’s left me with more time to bake in the kitchen.   Mmmm snickerdoodle cookies.

I also try to prep my meals for the next day when I’m making dinner or cleaning up the kitchen.  It makes my morning so much less stressful and also leaves me with more time to workout, write, read, study or just relax.  A rushed morning is my enemy.

Sometimes I’ll prep breakfast too, like my warm quinoa or make extra pancakes to re-heat, but most of the time I like to cook a warm breakfast.

It doesn’t have to be tricky, but it does take longer than plopping a plate or bowl in the microwave.

Oatmeal with a whole egg or egg whites cooked in is something I really enjoy.  If you’ve never made egg white oatmeal before then today is your lucky day.  Check out how easy it actually is.  It really adds a ton of volume to your bowl of oats and gives you that fullness factor from the extra protein.

How to make egg white oatmeal

Begin by heating your water up to a boil (I use 1 cup water for 1/3 cup oats).  Add the oats with a pinch of sea salt, stir and reduce to about medium heat.


Separate your egg whites (I’ll use 2 egg whites) into a bowl.


Beat until fluffy with a fork.


After about 8 minutes your oatmeal should look like this.  Still a bit watery, but the oats are softened up.


Turn the heat down to low, slowly pour in the egg whites and stir a lot really quickly.


Keep stirring until your oatmeal begins to get really creamy.  That’s when the eggs whites will be cooked thoroughly.  Add any spices, like cinnamon, that you want.


Pour into a bowl at top with fresh fruit, nut butters, granola, seeds or whatever you like.


While I was making this bowl I actually forgot to add cinnamon.  One bite in I grabbed it and stirred a ton in.  I just can’t live without it.

Do you like to make breakfast in the morning, or do you have something that you re-heat quickly or eat cold?